Thursday, September 15, 2011

The First Frittata

Five eggs. A splash of soy milk. A slew of veggies and cheese. And a wicked cool pan that could make or break the dish.

This was our challenge. Our frittata challenge.

Z’s parents have the traditional two frittata pans – one for starting the cooking process, and one to help flip the frittata and cook it on the other side (action photos to come shortly). Since Z and I both love eggs (and protein), we decided to be brave and make our very first homemade frittata – in these very intimidating pans.

I am one of those people that suck at carefully taking a loaf of bread out of the bread pan, or a bundt cake out of the cake pan and setting it perfectly on a serving plate. No – my breads, cakes, etc. usually come out of their respective pans with at least one deformity each. I am not careful or graceful, by any means…which is why Z was the one flipping the frittata pan.

First, I cooked up some chopped mushrooms, tomatoes and rocket arugula with some olive oil in our first frittata pan. While the veggies were sautéing, Z mixed five eggs with a splash of soy milk, and seasoned the eggs with salt and pepper. Once the veggies were mostly cooked through, Z added the eggs to the pan and I further seasoned them with a little bit of cardamom, a lot of chili powder and some red pepper flakes.

Z continuously lifted the bottom of the egg batter with a spatula, to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Then, once the egg mixture was mostly cooked through (i.e., wasn’t runny anywhere), we added some crumbled feta and then Z attempted the flip.

It was a quick, hold-your-breath kind of moment.

Although the frittata didn’t stay together 100 percent, we still considered the flip a success.

We let the bottom of the frittata cook through (about 4-5 minutes), and then we cut the frittata into four pieces. We served ours with some toasted pita bread and salsa (a weird combo, but hey – we’re working with what we’ve got).

The end result might not look like a perfectly fluffy frittata, but for our first attempt, it was successful. We both loved the combination of the veggies with the tangy feta, although I will change up the spices next time – the frittata was a little too “breakfast-y” and not as savory as we had hoped.

Have you ever made a frittata? What spices/ingredients do you like to use in your's?


  1. I get nervous about flipping food ALL the time! I've never made a frittata before but I definitely enjoy eating them!

  2. I love eggs too! The last frittata I made had tomatoes, potatoes, asparagus and goat cheese :)

  3. I once attempted a frittata. It was a very simple one with broccoli, mushrooms, and parmesan cheese. I didn't have very good instructions on how to do the flipping so it turned out to be more like scrambled eggs with broccoli, mushrooms, and cheese. Still tasted good though.
