Saturday, October 2, 2010

Off to Italy

Well folks, the time has come. Z and I are leaving for Italy in the morning. My beloved blog will be rather quiet while we're gone, although I do have some great guest posts to share with you from some amazing local bloggers.

The Economical Eater will be back to it's regular self on October 14th. Expect many photos and many stories of our culinary experiences in Italy, plus any other noteworthy experiences from our trip.

I must mention that I didn't reach my original financial goal for the trip. I went a little crazy this past week trying to make up for the lack of money I didn't save by selling clothes at The Garment District, cashing in coins, etc. While I didn't make my goal, I am still confident that our trip will be nothing short of relaxing and worry-free. Sometimes, you just need to enjoy life.

Enjoy the guest blogs while I'm away. Until then - ciao!


  1. Have a great time Michelle! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return!

  2. You and Z are gonna have a blast. I love cashing in coins for a big trip! Enjoy every minute. I can't wait to see pics upon your return.
