Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wasabi Egg Salad

When I was younger, I hated bringing egg salad for lunch. I dreaded being “that girl” at the lunch table with the smelly, odd-looking sandwich. But as I’ve “grown up,” I’ve come to appreciate egg salad for what it is: still smelly, yet tasty, full of protein, and surprisingly versatile.

So, when Z and I arrived home from vacation last weekend, we were in the mood for something healthy and satisfying for lunch. We had all of the ingredients to make our own version of egg salad, so I whipped everything together. Within an hour, we had a well-balanced lunch in front of us.

Wasabi Egg Salad
Yields: 4 servings
-5 hard boiled eggs, shells removed
-3 tbsp. Trader Joe's Wasabi Mayonnaise
-1 tbsp. Stonewall Kitchen Wasabi Mustard
-1 tbsp. dried parsley
-Salt and black pepper, to taste
-Squirt of lemon juice

1.) Chop eggs into bite-sized pieces. Mix with mayonnaise, mustard, parsley, salt and pepper. Squirt lemon juice (about 1 tsp.) over the mixture.
2.) Store in an airtight container in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Serve with avocado slices.

The warming spice from the mayonnaise and mustard complemented the cold eggs beautifully, while the parsley and lemon juice added a necessary brightness to the sandwich. Served with fresh avocado slices and Cape Cod Potato Chips, this was the perfect summer lunch to enjoy in our backyard.

What’s your favorite summertime lunch?