Thursday, June 13, 2013

Life Lately

I don't think I've given you all a work, wedding, or life update in a while - so, here's what's been going on in my life lately:

#1: Our wedding: This little life event is less than two months away. We've picked our menu, sent out our invitations (which we used a Groupon for), and have finally started planning our honeymoon (more on that below). We still haven't purchased wedding rings or done anything remotely important (half kidding), but planning is coming along.

The design on our invitations.

#2: Our honeymoon: One day after the wedding, we're heading to San Francisco, then Napa Valley. We'll be gone for about two weeks, and I. Can't. Wait. We have our flights booked, and we know we want to visit a lot of breweries and wineries while we're out well as see the Full House house. Does that exist in real life? Because if it does, I want to see it. The only thing we don't have yet is lodging, but...that will happen soon, I'm sure.


#3: Work: Since I told you that I quit my job to pursue a freelance career, a lot has changed - in really, really great ways. I still do freelance copywriting for my old company, but the rest of my gigs are food-related. In all honesty, I work for about seven companies right now, and I've also started working for myself as a private caterer and cook. My most consistent food writing gigs are with Scout Cambridge and Scout Somerville,, and I just started writing for Boston Globe North's Dining Out column. Work has been keeping me really busy, which is an awesome thing. Bonus: I haven't gained 100 pounds since eating and cooking full-time, either. Success!

#4: The homestead: Remember when our house looked like this? Thank god those days are over - although they have really paid off. We love this house. Although there is always something that needs to get done, our next big projects are building a back porch (right now we have a little landing with steps) and getting our basement redone. Right now, our basement floor is made of dirt...and when it rains, that dirt becomes mud. Good times! So, we're going to get French drains put in to help with the flooding, and get a cement floor put in to replace the dirt. When will this be done? Hopefully by 2014...if not sooner. Woo!

Trees we recently had planted in our backyard.

Well, that's pretty much all that's been going on with me lately. I feel like with the wedding, our birthdays (Z's is 7/4, mine's 7/10), work, and just regular summer activities, this is going to be one busy - and awesome - summer. 

What's been going on with you?


  1. The Full House house is definitely real!

    Sounds like a great honeymoon, congrats!

    1. Woo hoo! Thanks for the link!

  2. yes, definitely real- i totally had to take a picture when i was there last :) sounds like you've been quite busy, but in awesome ways, very happy for you!!

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon! And such great news about the Full House house!

  3. your life, i gotta say, sounds pretty amazing right now. besides those muddy basement floors but hey, you've got a plan.

    great post

    1. Thank you, Daisy!! Hope you're doing well!

  4. House stuff is never-ending! We at least have a cement floor in our basement, but we have to have a sump pump. Fun fun. Sounds like wedding plans are coming along and you've got some great jobs to keep you busy! Fun seeing you last night!

    1. Oooh, gotta love the never-ending house projects! Great seeing you last night, too. Such a fun (and delicious) dinner!

  5. ahhh omg! I went to San Fran and Napa for my honeymoon, too! And YES the Full House house exists and we saw it and gawked at it :) Let me know if you want any suggestions for what to do..... :-D Good luck with the rest of the wedding and honeymoon planning!

    1. I'm always open to suggestions - thank you!!

  6. So exciting that the big day is quickly approaching! We also went to SF and Napa on our Honeymoon... it's was pretty perfect. So much good food. You probably know where you're eating already but happy to share recommendations if you need any!

    1. I'd love some recommendations - thank you in advance!

  7. So much excitement!! And I'm so jealous of your honeymoon. Napa is my next must-take vacation!! French Laundry is calling my name!! :)


  8. So many exciting updates! Cheers to Napa! How amazing.
